Template Name: (2012.R2.STD.x64.EVAL.US-English.gz )
Vendor: (Digital Ocean)
Vendor Service Package: (20 GB Droplet)
Physical or Virtual: (VPS)
Motherboard: (N/A)
Processor: (N/A)
RAM: (512MB)
Location: (NY2)
Error Information: I am installing the Microsoft Server 2012 and I am getting this error stating that the image is not in gzip format.
Please see here - https://www.whatuptime.com/community/technical-support/thread-guidelines-please-read-before-creating-a-new-thread/
My apologies, I posted before checking rules.
My apologies, I posted before checking rules.
No worries!
Apologies for not replying further sooner!
I believe the issue you are experiencing is related to the -O- switch for wget. You are using a lowercase "o" when you should be using an uppercase "O", your command should be "wget -O-".
A little more background information here - https://askubuntu.com/questions/239429/whats-the-function-of-wgets-o
Eureka! Simple Solution. Now we wait with a cup of coffee while the magic happens.
Eureka! Simple Solution. Now we wait with a cup of coffee while the magic happens.
Thankfully it was a simple fix, best of luck and enjoy!