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Windows Server Password isnt P@ssword64

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I have installed Windows Server 2016 and I can't seem to login to the droplet after a couple hours with the same password. There is no way it has been hacked so please help.

Posted : February 16, 2020 3:57 pm
Posts: 265
Reputable Member Admin
Posted by: @chaossynergy


I have installed Windows Server 2016 and I can't seem to login to the droplet after a couple hours with the same password. There is no way it has been hacked so please help.

Specially, which template did you use?

Posted : February 17, 2020 3:25 am
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Windows Server 2016 Virt-IO Templace without SCSI

Posted : February 17, 2020 3:46 am
Posts: 265
Reputable Member Admin
Posted by: @chaossynergy

Windows Server 2016 Virt-IO Templace without SCSI

I have double-checked, the default password for the template is indeed "P@ssword64".

Either your server was accessed by a 3rd party or you accidently changed the password. You can attempt to recover your password using the console or proceed to reinstall the template.

Posted : February 17, 2020 6:59 am
Posts: 1
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i think your server has been hacked by someone ... because you still use default password .. for your information i just hacked about minutes ago when i connected my server via team viewer , suddenly i saw the cursor move and check server information and close the team viewer application , so i got disconnected ... just shock for a while hahahaha ... but  i realized i just need shut down my server via hosting provider .. so the hacker can log on to my server anymore .


you need to change your default password ... but before u do that ... i think u need to reinstall the template lol !


Good luck !


Posted : February 18, 2020 10:02 am
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Alright THanks @sysadmin @wartodolin

Posted : February 18, 2020 2:26 pm
Posts: 265
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Just as a general PSA, please ensure you change the default password IMMEDIATELY after installation.

Posted : February 18, 2020 7:05 pm
Posts: 1
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@sysadmin hii


Posted : June 30, 2021 2:27 am
Posts: 2
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i've been trying to access the server,, i quickly connect to the server after i reboot to hdd but it was still invalid Password

Posted : January 6, 2022 11:32 pm
Posts: 2
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Posted : January 7, 2022 1:19 am
Posts: 265
Reputable Member Admin

@corey0908 the password isn't the issue.

Please review the error message remote desktop is providing you in the screenshot.

The error message literally provides a URL for you to read up further.

This post was modified 3 years ago by SysAdmin
Posted : January 8, 2022 10:01 pm